Scripts & Telehealth for smokers | Research & Education

Blackmarket vapes are the new schoolyard smoking. Over the past few years, there has been a staggering increase in the rates of teenage vaping. In 2016, approximately 5% of 14 – 17 year olds had tried vaping at least once. This had DOUBLED to 10% within 3 years. By 2022, these figures are anticipated to vastly increase. 

Although smoking rates have declined hugely since 2000 (from approximately 20% to 2% of teenagers experimenting with smoking), blackmarket vaping is fast taking over. Regardless of the harm reduction role of legal, high-quality vaping products for adult ex-smokers, the scourge of blackmarket vapes in our schools is tragic and needs to be stopped.

In 2022 I created a school program called ‘Hidden in plain sight’, which I present to both students and parents. I am passionate about educating teenagers about the real risks of blackmarket vaping – unregulated products with unknown nicotine content, electrical safety hazards, no quality control and unknown levels of harmful contaminants. 

I will continue to educate and advocate for zero teenage vaping, and the abolition of the blackmarket vaping industry. 

If you would like more information about this, please email me at